Technology consists of all the tools, systems and processes used to manage human activities in ways that meet sustainable goals. It includes both tangible tools like utensils and machines, as well as non-material technology tools like knowledge, language and ideas.
It can be hard to pin down what exactly is included in the term technology, since it’s a broad and diverse field. Some examples of technology might include a smart factory or a 3D printer, but the word also covers things that don’t necessarily exist in the physical world, such as computer software and communication networks.
The idea behind technology is that it can help humans to be more productive and achieve sustainable outcomes. However, embracing technologies involves making trade-offs and choices that can have unintended consequences. This means understanding the technology in its full complexity and context is essential for those who create, develop, and use it.
For example, a company might decide to use cloud storage to make it easier for employees to access documents. This could save time and resources, for example by eliminating the need for printers or reducing paper consumption. However, if the company doesn’t have a good way to handle data backup, then it could face security risks. The same applies to education, where teachers need to understand how to incorporate technology into their lessons, as well as have a robust support system to help students with tech challenges. If technology isn’t implemented in the right way, it can actually have a negative impact on productivity and student learning.